Turf Instructions
📃 How to use: Â
Directions To Assemble Hose End Sprayer (if purchased unassembled)
- Securely insert dip tube into base of sprayer head.
- Remove cap on 32oz bottle, insert dip tube through seal.
- Tighten hose end sprayer and align with pistol grip bottle handle forward.
Outdoor Application Directions
- Remove as much organic waste as possible.
- Turn water on and both valves to on.
- Thoroughly saturate the affected area with diluted product, (product valve on and water valve on).
- After product application, lightly over spray the area with water before it is dry, (product valve off and the water valve on). The longer the surfaces stay wet the better. For strong odors repeat as necessary.
Indoor and Drought Directions
- Step 1: After product application, lightly over spray the area with water before it is dry, (product valve off and the water valve on). The longer the surfaces stay wet the better. For strong odors repeat as necessary.
- Step 2: Overspray again after 24 hours with water.
Directions For Hose End Sprayer
There are two circular valves on the sprayer head. The one closest to the hose turns the water flow on and off. The other valve turns the product flow on and off.
- Turn both valves to the off position
- Attach and tighten garden hose to hose end sprayer